ブレトニです。アメリカのマイアミからきました。3ヶ月ぐらいへ日本語をべんきょうしました。話すことをれんしゅうしたい。SKYPE があります。はなしましょう!はなしましょう!GENKI きょうかしょがあります。
Hey guys!
Bretney from Miami, here. I have been studying Japanese for about three months, now. I would like to practice speaking. I have SKYPE : bee_marie_fitz_gee . Please add me if you, too, are interested in practicing your Japanese. Also, I have the GENKI textbook - ( which seems to be pretty standard for beginners.) Maybe we can use the lessons on Japanesepod101 and some explanations/examples/exercises from the book?
Pretty excited to start practicing with you!