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Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » January 6th, 2015 6:50 am

jaimiel15 san,
I guess you wanted to say
コーヒー を のむなら コーヒーマグをつかったほうがいい ですよ。
If you drink coffee, you should use a coffee mug.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 6th, 2015 7:45 am

community.japanese wrote:jaimiel15 san,
I guess you wanted to say
コーヒー を のむなら コーヒーマグをつかったほうがいい ですよ。
If you drink coffee, you should use a coffee mug.

Yuki 由紀

Well, I guess that's it Yuki-san...
I will read more about nara/tara/to patterns..

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 6th, 2015 7:58 am

こんにちは みなさん、 調味料をよく使いますか


Hi everyone, do you oftenly use condiments?
if condiments are used in dishes, it will become tastier.(as if there's something new about this :) )

My most favorite Japanese condiment is Wasabi.
However, I'm not sure whether it's a condiment or not.

(corrections are always welcome...) thanks everyone.. :)

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » January 6th, 2015 8:31 am

YobRivera san,
今日は。 :D
Here is the correction.

こんにちは みなさん、 調味料をよく使いますか Put a fullstop at the end.

私の一番好きな日本の調味料がワサビです。Gramatically correct however, wasabi is 香辛料?
よくできました。Well done. :!:

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 6th, 2015 10:51 am

community.japanese wrote:YobRivera san,
今日は。 :D
Here is the correction.

こんにちは みなさん、 調味料をよく使いますか Put a fullstop at the end.

私の一番好きな日本の調味料がワサビです。Gramatically correct however, wasabi is 香辛料?
よくできました。Well done. :!:

Yuki 由紀

Thanks Yuki-san for patiently correcting my mistakes :)
although, it took me a while to compose it, feels good to know that there were only few corrections needed...

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby ahkittksc_503747 » January 12th, 2015 3:39 pm

皆さん、はじめまして 。

I'm a beginner, I'm only able to make simple sentence here. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Word of the day: 電話 (でんわ) telephone (noun)

私の家には電話がありません。 でも、携帯電話を使います。
I don't have a phone at home but I use a mobile phone instead.

Thank you for any correction.


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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » January 13th, 2015 4:40 am

Ahkittksc san,
Konnichiwa. :D
Kochirakoso yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Your sentences are perfect!

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 13th, 2015 9:29 am

Word of the day, 天井 (てんじょう)

天井の中には むしが たくさん あります かも。
だから、ぜったいに 見たくない です。

There's probably a lot of bugs in the ceiling.
That's why I absolutely don't want to look at it.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 13th, 2015 1:29 pm

Word of the day 芝生(しばふ)

Today, the guy next door trimmed our lawn for us.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » January 14th, 2015 7:36 am

YobRivera san,
Thank you for the posts.

Regarding the first post,
天井には むしが たくさん いるかもしれません is a correct sentence.
We hardly say 天井の中
Insects are alive so you have to use います here.

The sentence in the second post is perfect. :D
You have a kind neighbor.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 14th, 2015 9:38 am

thanks Yuki san,

彼はとても優しい人です。 :D

and I see, 天井 would be just fine.. glad to know...

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 14th, 2015 2:20 pm

word of the day 電話(でんわ)

since I was on a meeting earlier, I wasn't able to answer my phone.

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby ahkittksc_503747 » January 14th, 2015 5:59 pm

Word of the day: 花 (はな) flower (noun)

Fresh flowers cheer me up. :D

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 15th, 2015 12:20 pm

Word of the Day 花(はな)
Word of the Day 家(いえ)

Before we went home, I gave her flowers.

また明日ね!  :)

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby YobRivera » January 17th, 2015 7:01 am

Word of the Day シャワーを浴びる (シャワーをあびる)

いつも うんどした あとで、まず シャワーを浴びて、それから ご飯を食べる。
Always, after I exercercise, I shower first, and then I eat.


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