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Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby mmmason8967 » February 9th, 2014 9:16 am

mkirton wrote:今日の言葉は何ですか?

Check the Japanese Resources menu at the top of the screen: Word of the Day is about half-way down. There's a new word every day. On the Word of the Day page you can sign up to have each new word e-mailed to you.

Word of the Day also gets posted on the JapanesePod101 Facebook and Google Plus pages.


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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » February 10th, 2014 1:00 am

mkirton san,
Thank you for the post.

Thank you for describing that.

Yuki  由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » February 11th, 2014 5:42 am


It has been a very long time since I last posted here. It's great that everyone is still posting on here and making great and fun sentences. I became super busy last year so I had to put a hold on my japanese studies, but this year I want to give it one more try. Let's make studying japanese fun!

I will start with やわらかい (soft) since today's word and yesterday's word are kinda boring lol

There is nothing more soft than a baby's booty.

P.S. My japanese may be a bit rusty lol

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » February 12th, 2014 5:37 am

Today's word is Gray.

(あずまんが大王 inset. I had too :lol: )

There was one week where my friend had worn a pink pant all week. I said to him "You really love that pink pant don't you?" Surprised by the comment he replied, "PINK?!?! Isn't it gray???" It turned out that he was slightly color blind and didn't know it was pink. From that day on he never wore that pant again. Not even once.

This was a true story :lol:

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » February 12th, 2014 8:22 am

kevenhuynh san,
We are happy that you started studying Japanese again.
Your Japanese is rusty at all!

Hello kevenhuynh さん、
Thank you for the post. ピンクのズボンは格好良くないですか?
Your sentences are good however, I corrected some parts.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » February 14th, 2014 4:21 am



Today's word is 先輩(senpai).

I......kinda hate this older and younger relationship culture (that was my best translation of senpai and kouhai :lol: ). Why do have to do a meaningless request that an older, but lower level person has ordered me to do? Isn't it better to respect each other, help each other out and laugh together?

This is a pretty interesting discussion topic too. What do you guys think about it?

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » February 14th, 2014 4:47 am

kevenhuynh san,
I thought you want to emphasise ‘never’ so particle ‘mo’ is used for it.
でもshould be followed by prohibition or question.
For example,

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » February 14th, 2014 5:13 am

ごめん由紀さん :(
僕はまたよくわからないんです :oops:

日本語を教えてくれてありがとうございます :D

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » February 15th, 2014 4:01 am

Hello kevenhuynh san,

も has a function of emphasizing what comes before that both in a positive and negative sentences.
You can emphasize the amount or quantity, which comes before that and it shows your feelings that something is a lot/long/too much/too many/too long.
Eg. 1ヶ月で15キロ太りました。 I gained 15kg in one month.
If you add も, you can emphasize 15kg and show more your emotion.
1ヶ月で15キロも太りました。  I gained “15kg” in one month.

In negative sentence using もto emphasize the amount or quantity
Eg. 一晩で3冊も読めません。 I can’t read “three books” in one night.

Counter unit+も + negative sentence
I cannot speak a word of Swahili.
I thought you wanted to emphasize 'not one day' so I changed that.

When you use 履いたことがありません, the meaning is ‘your friend has never worn the pants however, actually he had worn those before he realized the colour. When you use は, it indicates comparison before realizing and after realizing.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » February 15th, 2014 4:52 am


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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby kevenhuynh » February 15th, 2014 5:31 am

Today's word in blackboard 黒板


As a present on my birthday, my older sister turned my wall into a blackboard. (This sentence is probably strange, but at least I'm trying something new :lol: )

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » February 17th, 2014 7:30 am

kevenhuynh san,
If you use that grammar again from now on, you will be able to use it soon.

By the say, Regarding the new sentence,

僕の誕生日の贈り物として姉は僕の部屋の壁を黒板しました is more natural.

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby thegooseking » May 23rd, 2014 10:57 am

Afurika wa saikin ni nyūsu wo yakushite imasu ne.
Africa has been dominating the news recently, hasn't it?

I have a couple of questions about this:-
1) 扼 is hyōgaiji, meaning it isn't in the jōyō or jinmeiyō kanji sets. Should I write the furigana in brackets after it?
2) If it's not a kanji that people are likely to know, is it even a word that people are likely to know, or would there be some better word to use?
3) Is it even ok to use 扼する figuratively like this? Or is its meaning of 'to dominate' more literal?


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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby community.japanese » May 24th, 2014 6:31 am

[扼す] はあまり使いませんね…。
However, when you type yakusu and press a space key, the kanji comes up so Japanese native speakers should read it. However, if you put hurigana, it would be better for people can’t read.
We normally use 独占する(どくせんする)instead of 扼す.
Yuki 由紀

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Re: Create your own sentence using the Word of the Day!

Postby jaimiel15_503167 » January 4th, 2015 1:16 pm

コーヒー を のんだら コーヒーマグをつかったほうがいい ですよ。

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