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Katakana I have not seen

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Katakana I have not seen

Postby jorr_504693 » February 27th, 2015 5:41 am

Konnichiwa. I am learning katakana now and I am seeing something that is not in any of my books. It is a katakana symbol followed be a smallツ symbol. I don't know what this is or how to pronounce it. I am greatful for your help.

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Re: Katakana I have not seen

Postby mmmason8967 » February 27th, 2015 6:35 pm

It's called a sokuon and is a small tsu. If you're familiar with hiragana, the katakana small tsu is used in exactly the same way as the hiragana one.

If you're not familiar with the hiragana small tsu, what it does is "double" the sound of the following consonant. For example, かこ is kako but かっこ is kakko. The pronuncation is actually a short pause--no sound at all. If you say "black cat" slowly, you say the "ck" at the end of "black" and the "c" at the start of "cat", but if you speed up and say it a normal talking speed, the "ck" at the end of "black" turns into a short pause--you say something like "bla' cat".

If the next character is し, the sound is a long "shh" rather than a pause. So in いらっしゃいませ, irasshaimase, the っしゃis pronounced like the double "sh" in "fish shop".


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Re: Katakana I have not seen

Postby jorr_504693 » February 27th, 2015 7:28 pm

Thank you so much. It was a great response.


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Re: Katakana I have not seen

Postby community.japanese » February 28th, 2015 5:05 am

Jorr san,
I also think マイケルさん explained that perfectly.


Yuki 由紀

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