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Particle help

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Particle help

Postby reyvinuy_498665 » July 27th, 2014 9:58 am

カード( )ここにいれてください。
Is the particle wa or wo, and why koko ni not koko de? thank you

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Re: Particle help

Postby mmmason8967 » July 27th, 2014 11:13 am

reyvinuy wrote:カード( )ここにいれてください。
Is the particle wa or wo...

It's を because を marks the direct object of the verb: card is the direct object of insert, so カートを入れる.

...and why koko ni not koko de?

Because de is used for James Bond movie stuff: it marks the exotic location where the action takes place or the gadget that is used. Or like when you play Cluedo:-

Sukaretto-san-ga onshitsu-de shokudai-de.
Miss Scarlett in the conservatory with the candlestick.

And in case you've never played Cluedo, here's a James Bond version:-

Bondo-san ga akunin-wo kajino-de reezaagousen-de koroshimashita.
Bond killed the villain in the casino with a laser-beam.

In the case of 「カード( )ここにいれてください」, koko isn't the location where the action takes place (that would probably be the room you're standing in), it's the location the card needs to be moved to. There are two particles for motion towards something or somewhere: へ and に. The difference (at least as I understand it) is that へ marks a heading or direction (like 'towards') whereas に marks a target or final destination. So it needs to be ここに because you're inserting the card into a specific place (presumably a card-shaped slot).


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Re: Particle help

Postby community.japanese » July 29th, 2014 5:30 am


Reyvinuy さん、
As マイケルさん said the correct particle is を.

で is a location marker and followed by an action verb for example, がっこうで べんきょうします(I study at school).
However, いれる is not an action verb and has to take particle にor へ.

Yuki 由紀

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