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Postby remillardn7528 » April 5th, 2013 9:54 pm

I was looking at the notes I had written down and I came across a question.
the words konshumatsu (this weekend) and konshu(this week) the kon in it made me think of something.
does the kon in konnichiwa derrive from this in anyways? like the kon maybe meaning this day hello or hello this afternoon?
Thoughts anyone?

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Re: Kon?

Postby ericf » April 5th, 2013 10:10 pm


In kanji:
今月  kon getsu - this month
今週末 kon shū matsu - this weekend
今週  kon shū - this week
今日  kon nichi - this day
こんにちは kon nichi wa (it's normally written in hiragana)

If you know any kanji you've probably already spotted that 今/kon above is the character 今/ima meaning "now", which should hopefully make kon getsu etc more understandable.

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Re: Kon?

Postby community.japanese » April 7th, 2013 5:01 am

remillardn7528-san, エリックsan,
kon'nichiwa :D
Another brilliant explanation, エリックsan! Thank you so much! :kokoro:
remillardn7528-san, like eric-san wrote, if you know kanji for those words, you might find
"how easy" those words are (to remember) :mrgreen:
And same goes to "next week", "next month" and so on :wink:


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