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Help with translation please

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Help with translation please

Postby Chronitsch » October 17th, 2009 11:02 pm

Hi there atm I am doing my listening homework for my Japanese class and am stumbling about following sentence (its all about the ~tara form):

Problem 1)
I always hear na, but it doesnt make sense for me
Problem 2)
I am not sure if this kattara is for karui - not heavy, or for person
Person makes less sense,

I think It should mean:
What do you do when the luggage is not heavy

Now the 2 possible answers:
I can only guess what this means, probaly "I take it by hand"

This one could mean, luggage is turned over, like in a check in or so

All in all I would say a) for this one, but since I am not sure if I understood everything correct, I hope you can help me on this one. Hopefully in the right part of the forums ^^

I found another one:
I am not quite sure if it means "What do you do when it is cold" or "what happens when it gets cold" or "why is it getting cold" mainly because of the answers
I have:
I am clearly hearing tsukimasu, which would mean "turns itself on"
I am clearly hearing keshmimasu, which would mean "to turn something of(or to extinguish something)"

It would be a if the question is what happens when it gets cold. which I am not sure off atm ^^

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Postby mieth » October 18th, 2009 4:34 am

you sentence means what will will you(we) do if the luggage doesn't come. that konakatara is the conjugated form of the word KURU. and yes sometimes ga sounds like na depending on where the person is from in japan.

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