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Typing ビール

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Typing ビール

Postby buck4155967 » September 11th, 2013 6:22 am

I'm the process of typing out my vocabulary list for Chapter 2 of my college Japanese class, and wanted to ask a question. I'm studying Katakana ahead of class, and am attempting to type kana words in kana and not romaji. (I am able to study ahead easier because of japanesepod101).

ビール, or biiru, is one of the kana words.

I can type ビル easily enough, but getting the long dash in there requires me to type bii followed by ru, and then arrow left and manually insert the long dash.

コーヒー (koohii) is another immediate example.

Is there a faster way to get the dash in?

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Re: Typing ビール

Postby mmmason8967 » September 11th, 2013 6:55 am

You should just be able to type B, I, -, R, U (where '-' is the minus-sign or hyphen).


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Re: Typing ビール

Postby community.japanese » September 17th, 2013 1:02 pm

buck4155967-san, マイケルsan,
kon'nichiwa :D
Like Michael-san wrote, you need to use a "hyphen".
If you're using Japanese key board (whether or not it acutally IS Japanese one),
Japanese key board system has long sound "hyphen" next to the number 0 key (i.e. right to 0).


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