I was wondering about people who are slightly ok with their Japanese and thought of testing out your understanding of the language by buying a simple book and try to read it. I was thinking, what books have you started or still reading at the moment?
Right now, I got 日本人の知らない日本語。It's a simple book (that has furigana) and it's an interesting read from what I read so far. But there's alot that I'm trying to get my head round... like
Totally lost in that. LOL! I forgot to mention what the book is about... It's a manga type book that follows a Japanese Teacher teaching Japanese to foreign people. It's basically her mini stories on the students that she comes across learning Japanese. I would actually recommend it to anyone, I'm not sure how long it's been out since that I found it in store while I was in Shibuya about a month ago.
Here's a link to see cover and inside. E-hon site
Oh... just found out there's a second book to come (^u^ ) main site
So yeah.... what's a good book you recommend to practice your reading of Japanese?