Watashi wa garesu desu!
I am new to japanese pod 101 and so far am finding it a great resource!
I have been teaching myself japanese for three months, using various books. I am a great fan of anime, which started off my love for japanese culture. It is my dream and ambition to live in Japan once i finish my I.T Degree at uni.
Unfortunatly there is no courses in Japanese around where I live, which I am very disappointed about! So I have come here for help!
I was wondering if anyone could start me off on how to self teach myself.
So far i have been working on Grammar. I have learnt most of the particles from wa, ga, ne, yo, no and to etc i understand how verbs come at the end, and the different forms of verbs.
My weakness at the present is vocabulary, as I am still new to Japanese and also Kanji. I learnt Hiragana and Katakana in about 2 weeks, however I find kanji amazingly challenging. I can reconize watashi, hon, and nani but that is about it.
So Jpod101, can you help me become as amazing as you all are! and maybe make a new friend!
Arigato gozaimasu!
Jaa mata ne