This is my first post on the forums, so I'd like to commend the JPod team for doing an excellent job. Although the current offerings are very helpful, I do have a special request for the JPod Team: would you guys be able to come up with a segment of business japanese in the context of a Japanese company, with everything from searching for a job in Japan, networking, resume preparation, what to say/not to say at the interview, etiquette, dealing office politics, what your boss said vs. what he REALLY meant, interpreting non-verbal signals, how to conduct yourself at after work drinks, closing deals etc? I've scoured the web but have not even been able to come up with basic information like greetings at the first interview (e.g. do the standard hajimemashite/yoroshiku onegaishimasu apply?) so if you guys can come up with something like that that would be super awesome. Thanks!!