Well I have more sentences that I need help with but its only 4 sentences this time.
First I said
Then I was corrected to this
What I was trying to say was "Why did I entrust my car to him?" so I am not understanding the corrections. Also I see that 任せりました in the first sentence was corrected to the casual past 任せた in the correction. So my question about that is の comes after 任せた and then ですか and I know that です is added at the end of a sentence without a verb to make the sentence polite...so the の after 任せた allows you to use です after it?
EDIT: I just realized I conjugated 任せる wrong it should be 任せました does that have any effect on why she corrected it the way she did?
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Corrected to
When she was correcting this sentence she thought I meant sky so she replaced 天 with 空. I was trying to say "Heaven is surely pretty". I know that 天 can mean sky also but I was trying to say heaven so was my sentence right and she just thought I meant sky? Or no?
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Corrected to
I was trying to say "Who came?" but I'm pretty sure the corrected sentence means "Someone came?". I'm not sure what I did wrong...
Last one
Corrected to
I think I know what I did wrong here but I just want to make sure. I used the declarative だ with an i-adjective and you can't do that. Thats what I did wrong, right?