Below is a letter that I wrote to the guys are JPod101 via the "Contact Us" page. I haven't gotten a response from them yet and so I was hoping that people here who use the service could help me out.
I'm thinking about subscribing to Japanesepod101 and I have a couple of questions about the courses that are offered:
1) What is the difference between Beginner and Beginner S2? Is there a difference?
2) Since you offer Beginner, Lower Intermediate, and Intermediate level courses of several podcasts each is there a point at which the information in the lessons repeats itself? Meaning, is there an "end" for the beginner lessons at which point you should move to lower intermediate, or is that something that just comes naturally as you progress in your learning?
3) In reference to #2, are there certain topics that are only taught at a certain level? Or are all topics taught in all of the courses, just from different perspectives?