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What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby imfred4210 » October 31st, 2013 7:24 am

Hi, may I know my name in Japanese?

Frederick HO

Thank you! :wink:

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby mmmason8967 » October 31st, 2013 6:30 pm

I think it will be フレデリック・ホー

フレデリック ⇒ Furederikku
ホー     ⇒ Hou


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » November 2nd, 2013 5:40 am

I agree with マイケルsan. Thank you for the help :wink:

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby rtabbara5012 » November 3rd, 2013 1:05 pm


My name is Rami and I was hoping someone could give me a hand with converting my name into katakana? I think the possibilities are: ラミ or ラーミ or ラーミー , but I wasn't 100% sure of the sounds. As a point of reference, I pronounce my name so that it rhymes with army, so I think that means the 'a' sound gets stretched?


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby mmmason8967 » November 4th, 2013 10:41 pm

If your name rhymes with "army" then I'd go for your middle option: ラーミ.


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby imfred4210 » November 5th, 2013 6:44 am

マイケルさん,奈津子さん thanks for the help!

ありがとうございます :wink:

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » November 5th, 2013 12:39 pm

> Rami-san, マイケルsan,
I agree; if it should be pronounced like "army", the "a" should have a long sound.
But I might go for ラーミー as "army" has -my which is often pronounced (for us Japanese)
with longer sound than [mi].
The point is ー shows the longer sound, so if it's ラーミ, it's pronounced as [raa(long sound here) mi]
and ラーミー [raa mii] (both [ra] and [mi] are long sounds). :wink:

> フレデリックsan,
sweet! Now I see your Japanese name on your post. Good work :wink:


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby rtabbara5012 » November 7th, 2013 11:20 am

奈津子さん, マイケルさん,

Thank you very much for all your help! If "army" has a longer ending [mi-i] sound in Japanese then I feel like going with ラーミー is the best choice.

I still have difficulty picking up long vowels when listening to Japanese words. But for the case of my name [ra-a-mi-i], if I associate the sounds "a" and "i" with an upward intonation, then it makes a lot more sense to me. In general, is this a good way of thinking about long vowels?


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby acassar1009 » November 8th, 2013 8:10 pm

Hello, could I please know my name in Japanese? It is Adrian Cassar. Thanks.

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby mmmason8967 » November 8th, 2013 9:27 pm

acassar1009 wrote:Hello, could I please know my name in Japanese? It is Adrian Cassar. Thanks.

I think that it is エイドリアン・カッサー, which is:-

エイドリアン = e-i-do-ri-a-n
カッサー   = ka-ssa-a


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby acassar1009 » November 8th, 2013 10:06 pm

Thanks for that!

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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby hartell987104 » November 12th, 2013 7:10 am

First off thank you guys for all your help in learning this very interesting language.
Second I think my name in katakana would be ジョシュア・ハテル (Joshua Hartell) last name pronounced in english like cartell

I was wondering if it would be wrong to try to find a name using kanji based off the meaning of my name.

Joshua = Savior/Deliverer (good helper) 大輔 

Hartell = Stag's hill (Deer Hill) 鹿岡

I know its a common mistake for some but i just figured it would be fun to try. You'r help and oppinions are greatly appreciated.


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby thegooseking » November 15th, 2013 11:03 am

hartell987104 wrote:First off thank you guys for all your help in learning this very interesting language.
Second I think my name in katakana would be ジョシュア・ハテル (Joshua Hartell) last name pronounced in english like cartell

I would be tempted to say ハーテル rather than ハテル, partly because I think it sounds closer, and partly because ハテル is the pronunciation of 果てる, which basically means "to die" although it's kind of a casual way of saying it. Perhaps "to snuff it" or "to buy the farm" or "to kick the bucket" would be a better translation. Not something you really want to go around calling yourself!

I was wondering if it would be wrong to try to find a name using kanji based off the meaning of my name.

Here's a fun fact about Japanese surnames. Before the Meiji era (1868 - 1912), commoners didn't have surnames; only the high and mighty did. At the beginning of the Meiji era, the government decreed that everybody had to choose a surname (written using kanji from a prescribed list). Some people chose surnames that were already used by the nobility, and some people chose surnames that were created by local priests. But a good many people simply made up a surname! My point is that I don't see how it could be wrong when a lot of Japanese surnames are made up anyway ;)

Today, Japanese personal names legally have to be written using either (a) kanji from the jouyou set, (b) kanji from the jinmeiyou set, (c) hiragana or (d) katakana. That's if you wanted the name to be legally registered, but it's a good rule of thumb to see if it looks like a proper Japanese name. All of the kanji you've chosen are either jouyou or jinmeiyou, so that looks good, although I'm not 100% convinced that 輔 is the right character meaning-wise. I mean, I can see how it could be, but there's just this nagging sense that it might not be.

Joshua = Savior/Deliverer (good helper) 大輔 

Hartell = Stag's hill (Deer Hill) 鹿岡

(Incidentally, the reason I sign my posts 小狼 is precisely because my surname is derived from the Irish Gaelic faoláin, meaning "little wolf", so my comment about how it can't be wrong isn't exactly unbiased ;) )


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby community.japanese » November 16th, 2013 6:34 am

Hi everyone!
Thank you very much for helping each other creating friendly space here! :D :kokoro:

I'd agree with 小狼san; Hartell might have a long sound at "Har-" and it'd be written as ハーテル :wink:

As to kanji, I think it's very interesting you gave yourself a completely new Japanese name based
on meanings of original name :D As far as nicknames go, all those attempts are not wrong in anyway.

The only thing I can say is that whenever we convert words or names in foreing language(s) into Japanese,
it's usually based on sound, not meaning. Unless there's a good reason to translate it into real Japanese word,
we focus more on phonetically-converted name. You can see this in foreign names, right?
Names of foreign people will be always written in Katakana in official document if not in alphabets.
Some learners want to give themself kanji based on sounds and use it in personal occasions like letters
and emails among friends. Or, just like 小狼san does.

If you want to use the nickname, your nickname can be 鹿岡 大助 (the kanji 助 is also "helper")
whic is read as "shikaoka daisuke". This name has completely different sound from your original name, of course.
As long as you know all these info, I don't see problems. :wink:


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Re: What's my name in Japanese? (make requests here!)

Postby Asselberghs » November 21st, 2013 11:56 am

Hi Everyone!
I´m trying to learn Japanese, with the purpose of hopefully going on a holiday, to Japan at some point.
At that point, I´d like to be as good as possible in the language.
My second reason, is to be able to watch Anime aided by english subbing, but relying on understanding Japanese.
I´ve been a fan of many different shows for over a decade, but I`ve always relied on Dubbing.
Now I´m tired of it, and trying to make an effort to understand Japanese.
I am getting used to subbing, and hopefully that will make me better at Japanese.
But at the moment, I´m completely new to it, and I don´t know much Japanese yet.
Can someone help me, translate my name? I´m not sure if it can be translated at all, but I´m hopeful.
I´m half Dane and half Belgian, so my Surname comes from Belgium.

My name is: Nick Asselberghs

Thank you for your help.
If at all possible I would like to see the, is it Romanji it´s called? version of it. I don´t know Kanji or any of the other written languages yet, I´m relying on the breakdown of syllables to learn prononciation

Kind Regards


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