Postby blindbat849058 » July 17th, 2010 1:56 am
I"m somewhat having this trouble too. I found and hav ebeen tyring to understand some of it. I lvoe the idea of immersion, but it is literlaly impossible for me to do that here wher ei live at hte moment. I started out using Rosetta Stone that a friend let me borrow, it works well but I udnerstand the problem I'vme having is that i"m constnatly translating the words in my head rahte rhan just going with it and udnerstanding them, I dunno maybe i"ll evnetuallyg et fluent...
My resaon would be so I can read manga and watch unsubbed anime and understand it as it was MEANT to be understood. I can't do subbed anime becasue i can't read and watch at the same time. Half-BLind you see so its' arhder to see things nayway. SO I tend tos tick to dubbed in English but...
I recently got my hands on Rememebring the Kanji and Remembering the Kana to start with and I guess form there i"ll move into the words and listening and just see how it all modls together. Romaji is awesome but not relaly helpful in tyring to read japanese, lol. Anywho ...