I had actually posted about this a while back.
I don't think anyone is advocating removing the Kanji only dialog. I think people would like to replace the Kana only one with Kanji + Furigana.
As for Romaji, I'd rather not have it, but as long as it's kept separate from the rest, that's fine with me.
Anyway, I have created a sample document that includes the Kanji only transcript on the left, and the Kanji + Furigana transcript on the right. The document is in landscape, so you can either cover the right hand side while reading the Kanji, or fold the paper in half.
I setup the spacing so that both halves align themselves exactly. This way if you're reading the Kanji side and need help with the reading, you can look in the same location on the Furigana side. This is MUCH easier than parsing Kana only text.
Also, I only display the Furigana the first time the Kanji is displayed in the transcript. This way as you read further, you're encouraged to remember the Kanji.
Anyway, the link to the test document is:
http://www.systemex.net/files/japanesep ... naTest.pdf
Let me know what you think.