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Which Lower Intermediate season...?

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Which Lower Intermediate season...?

Postby shamanana » January 6th, 2010 9:43 pm

I am assuming this is one of those forever repeating questions... did a little search, but well, the amount of pages :roll:

I read in one of the past threads that there is a huge difference between Beginner and Lower intermediate Lessons... and until I actually started the first episode of LI I just didn't believe it... well, was I in for a surprise!
And it's not so much the understanding (or the sudden length of sentences) but the fact that there is stuff missing, like grammar explanations and vocabulary.
As much as there was constant repeating of certain words and reviews of grammar in the Beginner series there is so much of the same missing in the Lower Intermediate! Or was I supposed to start with another LI series. If so, please someone enlighten me and let me know if there is anything more "structured" like the last two seasons of the Beginner Series. You know... just tell me, from this point on it's all nicely organized 8)
Or am I being too demanding :wink:

Thank you kindly!

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Postby bratja » January 6th, 2010 11:22 pm

I'm not really sure, either, but I mostly just listen to the lower intermediate and focus on the grammar point they choose to explain. For the vocab, I take the whole sentence and highlight the word I want to know -- that way, even if I don't 100% understand the sentence, hopefully I still can get the gist of it and get some exposure to Japanese sentences. I'm tackling the original LI series while I'm supplementing with the beginner season 4 and trying LI season 4 as well (and 5 as it comes out).

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Postby shamanana » January 7th, 2010 5:53 pm

In the end I decided to skip the first 37 episodes and start with Naomi sensei. Being used to her work in the Newbie and Beginner series I guess I feel kind of "safe" starting off from that point on. Of course I intend to do the older episodes, since they are bound to have important grammar points but... only AFTER I finished the whole Naomi sensei "period" :lol:
For me... it's all being entered into Anki... the sentences that is. I don't really bother with translations as they are not literal enough for my taste. There is a big difference between what they "wanted to say" and what they said "exactly". So, I just enter the unknown words mostly...

...and listen to 昔話 podcast stories... :)

Thanks for replying!

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