Saiyan wrote:i know はじめまして is used as an equivalent to "hello, pleased to meet you" when you meet someone for the first time, but what do i use for saying hello to friends everyday? もしもし is reserved for telephones only?
Yes, もしもし is used for phone calls only. If you see someone in the morning, you say おはよう(casual) or おはようございます(polite), which both mean good morning.
If it's during the day you say こんにちは which means hello, or hi. Strangely, you don't really say this to your casual friends....or we don't really say anything.....except some voices like お~。or よっ。for casual friends greeting.
In the evening we say こんばんは。which is good evening. In this case also, we don't say this really to a casual friend.
Hope this helped abit!