I am learning Japanese, slowly but surely. I've kind of jumped in the deep end by trying to talk to people on MIXI, but I guess it's good practice. I'm still unfamiliar with most of the grammar and verb conjugations, but I think I can sometimes get the gist of a message by looking up kanji etc.
I know there's a lot of questions, so sorry about that. If you do feel kind enough to help me, you don't necessarily have to answer everything..I hope I'm not being lazy here, I promise I have tried to work everything out myself using the books I have and the internet, but here are the things that stumped me...
1. Is there an important difference between saying "Sou desu ka?" and "Sou NAN desu ka?"??
Why the use of the word "nan"?
2. What exactly does this mean:
The second part is saying "I'm very happy for your reply", right? I really don't understand the first part though..."Moka"??? "Isogashii ni moka kawarazu"?? I know "isogashii" means "busy" and "kawarazu" means "always" (I think), so does it mean "Since you're always busy, I'm very happy for your reply"?
3. 会話は相手がいないと練習出来ないし、日常生活で母国語以外の言語は使う機会がなかなかないですからね。
"Because I don't have a partner and I don't practice, I don't easily get an opportunity to speak anything other than my mother tongue in everyday life."
Is that right? Anything I've missed or mistranslated?
4. フランス語を勉強して、まだ1年たたないので
Something about being a first-year student studying French right?
I see "node" a lot but I still haven't found out exactly what it means- does it mean "because"?
5. 私が中学生の頃は英語を勉強してました。
"The time when I was at school I was studying English"??
What about the use of "ga" after "watashi"? I don't think I've seen that before.
6. 次回は英語もちゃんと書きます!
"Next time I'll write in English" (thank god)
What does "mochanto" mean?