I'm a freelance motion capture animator/indie game developer. I would like to come to Japan on a cultural study Visa. I have a great deal of interest in learning to play the shamisen. I've also studied martial arts in the past and currently trying to learn Western Renaissance fencing so studying Kenjutsu would be something I would be very interested in. I spoke with an immigration lawyer and Since my business would legally still be American there would be no problems so long as I didn't work for a Japanese company. Where I'm running into trouble is figuring out if finding a location big enough to setup my motion capture equipment will be possible. An 8 by 8 meter room would be about as small as I could go. It looks like the idea of an apartment with this size of a room is a pipe dream at least in the 70,000 JPY a month range. On overcast days I can setup outside but Unfortunately laptops have no were near the oomph my cameras need So I need a power source for a desk top or preferably two. I also wonder how some crazy white guy setting up 6 or 12 cameras and jumping around like an idiot would go over in public. Over here in the past I've rented conference rooms and gyms etc. but I haven't been able to find to much information about doing that in Japan. I would probably only need this space three or four times a month when freelancing for others or if my own game makes enough to support me by then much less often. I have at least a year and a half to figure things out and could use any advice I can get.
Doumo arigatougozaimashita