Hello everyone!
I'm studying computer science in Germany. At the end of next year, as part of my studies, I have to apply for an internship at a company of my choice (duration: one semester). There is also the possibility to go abroad doing this. I'm hoping to be able to go to Japan for my internship (I'm sure that would give my Japanese studies a huge boost), but unfortunately my University doesn't have any connections to Japanese companies whatsoever and my Japanese skill isn't at a stage where I could phone companies or write nice business letters to them. (-_-)'
At this point I'm asking for your help/advice. Maybe there is someone registered at JapanesePod101.com who knows companies that had interns (from Germany) before? I'd also be grateful for any hints at what companies I could send an application to. The only condition is that it has to be computer related to a certain extent. If someone would happen to have any connections to Japanese companies I would really appreciate your help.
Thank you very much in advance.