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Mobile apps - Survey

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Mobile apps - Survey

Postby ppablo28_498610 » April 6th, 2014 5:58 pm

Good morning everyone! I`m taking my graduate studies so I`m looking for an interesting topic for my master dissertation. I`m thinking about writing an application which would be a great help in learning Japanese language. Of course, I`m aware of existence of many similar tools, but my goal is pretty clear. I would like to write a program, which will be adjusted to mobile devices and focused on what a user needs.
Hence I would like to carry out a short survey. I would be very grateful if you could answer these questions. Maybe you have some other interesting ideas. I will discuss them with pleasure.

Let`s consider two mobile applications. The main function of the first one is to recognize unknown Kanji characters. The second one is designed for educational purposes (verify the correctness of characters drown be the user – taking into account their different features).
1) Which application would suit you better? Why?
2) What would you expect from such an application? How would you use it?
3) What do you think about mobile apps for learning Japanese? Do you find them useful?

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Re: Mobile apps - Survey

Postby mattiapavinati8647 » April 7th, 2014 4:27 pm

Greetings ppablo28!
as for myself, i wouldn't use a mobile app to "learn" an other language... if i have time to study, chances are that i can use a laptop too.
I would also be difficult to design an app for a cellphone where you can read and write at the same time (i can't immagine myself studying without any kind of notes).
I would use it as a dictionary though, where you just need to lookup for the meaning.
As a developer myself, when i think about smartphones, i think about : fast, everyday life apps.
Maybe a quiz-like application would be intresting ;)


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Joined: April 6th, 2014 5:32 pm

Re: Mobile apps - Survey

Postby ppablo28_498610 » April 7th, 2014 4:55 pm

Thanks for the response. If I have understood correctly, you referring only to the first option - educational purpose. What do you think about the second one? Recognizing unknown Kanji. I think it suits your definition of a mobile app. You see a kanji that you don't know, open this application, redraw (or sth like that) the sign and there it is - meaning, basic information, etc. The interaction is pretty fast and not complicated.

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