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Bashō haiku selected for specific kanji characters: 梅 ·

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Bashō haiku selected for specific kanji characters: 梅 ·

Postby rshiplett » May 31st, 2012 1:06 pm


The first was

Today we added the web page for

As you can see in going from the first set of haiku to the next, there is a relationship here: 梅香

Each page has a link to a stroke order animation for that kanji and a link to defintions from kanjidic2.

I you cannot wait for the fragrance of the plums, the plum blosssoms, the plum trees and plum season, I have at least put yo on the scent ...

The are Curl applets embedded in simple HTML but require the Curl RTE plugin from Tokyo's SCSK Corp. The web browser plugin comes from MIT's Curl project and is in version 8.0; it is very safe and very secure. Today, most of the work in Curl is done in Japanese projects.

see: (English) or (Japanese)

Here is an image of today's applet:


Established Presence
Posts: 75
Joined: July 6th, 2011 4:37 am

Postby jaehwi » June 4th, 2012 1:45 am

Hi rshiplett!

Thanks for sharing again!
Let us know if you need any help in the future!


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