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Good Hiragana - English Dictionary???

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Good Hiragana - English Dictionary???

Postby Fiverphile » December 2nd, 2011 3:50 pm

I already have Kodansha's Furigana Dictionary...reading Kanji is something I am not ready to tackle yet (besides needing a magnifying glass to read the furigana)...I am curious if there is anything out there in hard copy format which features only Kana character words with english definitions???

I know there are a few places online...but what I'm looking for is something I can toss in my briefcase and take with me...

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Postby mwbeale6642 » December 19th, 2011 2:24 pm

You could try the Oxford Beginner's Japanese dictionary. It's in kana and English.

The only problem I find is that when you get to a certain vocabulary level then some of the words aren't in the dictionary (I guess that is why it's a beginner's dictionary).

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Postby Fiverphile » December 19th, 2011 4:12 pm


I have a copy due to arrive today from was the only one I had been able to find even somewhat close to what i was looking for...I am trying to stay as far away from that evil called Romaji as I can...when I ordered it I figured it was a little on the basic side...but it IS a start...

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Postby ericf » December 20th, 2011 1:00 am

I'd agree with avoiding romaji; it seems unnecessary and occasionally ambiguous. And learning hiragana is a pretty low bar to cross in the grand scheme of things.

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