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Audio FlashCard Website to learn Japanese vocabulary.

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Audio FlashCard Website to learn Japanese vocabulary.

Postby Shiruban » November 13th, 2008 11:08 am

Hi guys ! :) I've been a long time non registered user of Japanesepod101 and because of the frustration of seeing the free content disappeared (Peter Galante-san, YOU BusinessMan !) and the generous discount, I am now a true member of the community!
(Remember me Peter-san? I used to send you a couple of simple artworks with one in which you were standing with Sakura-san in front of a sea background)

I want to share with you my FREE podcast especially created to learn Japanese, French and English words in no more than 1 minute and 37 sec each episode.
10 episodes+ 1 big review for each season. it is mixed up with musical background for you to relax and there is in addition FREE PDF files of the vocabulary words.

This podcast project is now over.
The season 7 goes up to seven episodes for now and I will complete it when I have time to spare. This will make a total of 2100 words.

Here you go, enjoy :

Everything is downloadable for FREE so give it your best !


jkid Team Member
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Postby jkid » November 13th, 2008 3:40 pm

Not bad at all but hearing three languages being spoken so quickly one after the other is a little daunting for me. I don't speak French so it can be a little confusing to hear both a Japanese and French translation. In any case, thanks for sharing. :)

New in Town
Posts: 3
Joined: November 13th, 2008 10:16 am

Postby Shiruban » November 13th, 2008 10:47 pm

You're welcome JKid !

I understand your dilemma and since the words are always pronounced in the same order (Japanese, English and French) you can make abstraction of the language you don't need and focus on the rest. I'm sure you can get used to it before you know it!
Hopefully you will eventually unconsciously learn some French words as a bonus !

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