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新日本語でくらそう (Getting by in Japanese)

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新日本語でくらそう (Getting by in Japanese)

Postby Psy » January 5th, 2008 8:29 pm

Found this a pretty interesting (although perhaps not the best acted) set of lessons in conversational Japanese. At times it might come across a little condescending, but still you can pick up a good few situational nuances from it. There is very little English, so watch out. (1st episode)

It appears you can read the dialogues (as well a few additional texts) here:

The site is Chinese, but the majority of the content is Japanese.

There are 25 episodes in all. Personally, I find the hardest things to understand to be the accents and mistakes of the students, particularly the Brazilian guy. Regardless, you've still got to respect the guy-- he's using his non-native language in front of millions. Even if you don't get much at first, many of the same things are said each episode, so you will eventually pick them up.


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