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Languge exchange community

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Postby Javizy » May 7th, 2009 11:02 am

untmdsprt wrote:
Javizy wrote:Ah, I see. Luckily I've only been contacted by Japanese people. I used the advanced search to contact a couple myself, since you can select an age range and what languages they speak/learn. You might have more luck ignoring your messages and contacting people yourself who have a decent looking profile. I'll have to check out LiveMocha, though.

How do you have your profile? Is it all in Japanese? Did you set the language to be Japanese? I have just a basic profile, but since it says "female", I get every weirdo online contacting me.

I have first language as English, and the language I want to study as Japanese, and my profile is in Japanese, since all the Japanese people seem to have theirs in English. It should stop people from other countries bothering you, as well, since they won't be able to read it :wink:

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Re: Languge exchange community

Postby staccato1259442 » September 13th, 2013 2:31 pm

I recommend "Babelingual" ( ) to those who want to speak Japanese with real native Japanese one-to-one anytime at your home.
I was looking for opportunities to study Japanese online effectively too, and this Babelingual made me capable of saying what I want to say in Japanese.

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Re: Languge exchange community

Postby community.japanese » September 19th, 2013 9:46 am

thank you very much for sharing the info! :D

Natsuko (奈津子),

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