[... T]he ultimate goal is to make something more than just a dictionary of words. Something akin to Google Now or Wolfram Alpha for the Japanese language. Just paste what you want to understand into Jisho, be it English, romaji, a single word or an entire paragraph of Japanese text, and it will search a myriad of data to help you understand the words, kanji and even grammar patterns.
It has what appear to be some nice new features. You can now search for kanji by drawing them with your mouse, in case you can't copy and paste them (e.g. you saw it in a picture or in print). You could already search for them by combining radicals on the old version, but now that's integrated into the main search page rather than being on a separate page. It also now has some speech-recognition search so you can say what you want to look up with a microphone, but I haven't tried that yet to find out how good it is. And the search itself seems to be more powerful.
It seems like a very good interface (ultimately, it is just an interface; the actual dictionary itself is still just WWWJDIC). But I haven't used it much to form an opinion, and I didn't use the old Jisho enough to make a proper comparison, so I'm eager to hear about other people's experiences.