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Duendecat - Sentence looper / reading practice app

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Duendecat - Sentence looper / reading practice app

Postby cavemediamail2351 » July 18th, 2014 2:55 pm

Duendecat is a Japanese reading practice web app that I started working on earlier this year. It shows short sentences in Japanese and then reveals the English translation, one at a time. It's also free to use, customisable and has just been updated with a whole load of new features, which include:

- Furigana
- Long / short sentence option
- Pause / skip controls
- Speed control
- English / Japanese interface
- Flashcard option
- Cumulative option: shows sentences that contain combinations of kanji that you've learned in previous levels
- Add your own sentences and categories
- It's free! 8)

The app contains tens of thousands of sentences from the updated (cleaned up) version of the Tanaka corpus, which are grouped into Wanikani levels 1 - 50 (but should be useful for anyone who isn't learning kanji in that order).

Let me know if you have any suggestions / comments! :)

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Re: Duendecat - Sentence looper / reading practice app

Postby community.japanese » July 26th, 2014 7:58 am

cavemediamail2351 san,

Thank you for sharing the information.

Yuki 由紀

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