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browse Concise Edict2 - kanji expressions only (Part 1)

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natsukoy9313 Team Member
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Postby natsukoy9313 » September 21st, 2012 1:14 pm

I'm so sorry, but I just quickly browsed your site because it required Curl plugin, which is too technical and soon gave up when I saw it :oops:
So, I just saw all the list before, and looked for some kanji manually using very basic copy and paste.
I can't be really of your help there. I'm sooooooooo "out of time" and easily get "frozen" in front of PC, instead of PC freazing. :oops: :lol:


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Postby mmmason8967 » September 21st, 2012 6:47 pm

Looks good to me: I thinks it's better being able to expand or collapse the list in the left pane. Previously it wasn't obvious that there were three more headings after the "Definition Entries" heading. A trivial nit-pick: the test says that the arrowhead turns red when selected, but it goes red on hover and active; once the list has opened the arrowhead goes back to blue.

The thing I especially like about the layout is the long word list in the right pane. It's really nice just scrolling up and down looking at kanji and being able to see the related words and meanings.


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alternate dictionary for kanji only

Postby rshiplett » September 22nd, 2012 11:45 am

I still like using

especially in the free Hanazono font

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