I added two pages today with the full post-2010 joyo kanji
One has meanings from Kanjidic2: http://aule-browser.com/kanji/kanjidic2-joyo-hz.html
One has just the Kanji: http://aule-browser.com/kanji/joyo-kanji-only-hz.html
I like the latter because in Firefox I have the Perapera plugin which I can use with the mousse as needed.
At the moment both load the Hanazono Mincho font - how fast that loads depends on your conx, browser and ISP.
I merely flagged the 5 Kanji removed from the 1981 set in the 2010 revision.
UPDATE: May 15,2012
I have added two more jōyō kanji pages over at http://aule-browser.com/kanji/index.html#njoyo
One is a full page with Kanjidic2 meanings and one is a page with the 2136 joyo kanji linked to wiktionary.