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Why cant I see the japanese characters?

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Why cant I see the japanese characters?

Postby gglogg3352 » December 8th, 2010 11:44 am

I cannot read the transcripts that are in Kanji or any other Japanese alphabet. How can I fix this. All I see is a box.

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Postby yayforjapanese » December 12th, 2010 1:48 am

You need to download a Japanese language pack for your particular operating system (Microsoft, Apple...).
language pack
(lang´gwij pak) (n.) A set of files, commonly downloaded over the Internet, that when installed enables the user to interact with an application in a language other than the one in which the application was initially created, including other font characters if they are necessary.

Here is some more info from japanesepod101's Help files; ... questions/
(then scroll down to the bottom where it says the following);

"How do I install Japanese support for reading and writing on my computer?"

"The following links give an excellent step-by-step overview of how to setup a non-Japanese Windows system to be able to display and write Japanese."

"Installing Japanese Support" ... on_XP.html

"Writing in Japanese" ... _write.htm

"How to Type in Japanese" ... anese.html

Then it says;
"If you need further help, feel free to email us at ."

You can also Google for "language pack"; ... =&gs_rfai=

That being said, I would suggest backing up your entire hard drive first before trying anything, just as a precaution.
You should be alright, but seriously, sometimes the best of intentions can go wrong somehow on the simplest of ideas.
So you want to be able to do either a Microsoft 'system restore', or just do a hard drive backup restore just in case.
But I repeat it's not that difficult and should go off without a hitch.
Good luck!

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