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Regarding Japanese101 Starter Kit Thing

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Regarding Japanese101 Starter Kit Thing

Postby blindbat849058 » July 14th, 2010 10:20 pm

Just wnated to knwo if anyone has gotten this and hwo they liked it? YOu know the big kit you get offered for ten dollars shipping and all with the cool mateirals.

This might be the wrong place for this topic but didn't know where else to put it. I just wanted to hear some feedback on it. My friend is going to get it if the info is good. I didn't, myself, but I told her I'd ask before she signs up since you only see the offer once...

Thanks in advance.

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Postby katy87 » July 15th, 2010 5:22 pm

do you mean the offer that comes right after you sign up and says "you will never see this offer again"? :) (actually I saw it a number of times after that..)
I think it came with a month- premium subscription as well.
Well if you mean that, I received it some time ago. It isnt anything special - just a few lessons with PDFs, the same that can be downloaded here at website, if you have premium subscription. The special "gift" is a yen-coin and it also comes with an audio CD with tips how to learn Japanese (never bothered to listen to it though..)
I purchased this kit mainly because I wanted to fully try the premium subscription for a month and 10 dollars seemed to me like a good price. And I was impressed - after that I purchased a 2 years premium subs. which I still have now and I do not regret it :)
So basically the CDs you will receive are pretty useless.

New in Town
Posts: 3
Joined: July 14th, 2010 9:26 pm

Postby blindbat849058 » July 15th, 2010 11:24 pm

Thanks a lto for hte quick reply. I"ll pass it along I jsut got started here myself, but I dunno, it's pretty cool so far.

I've foudn parts of this site to be altitle fishyish, liek the random offer that claism you only see it once, etc. But there's a lto of neat stuff here. It's led me to some interesting sites so far...

Anywho, thanks alot agian.

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