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Learning Japanese with children's resources?

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Learning Japanese with children's resources?

Postby JohnFrost » September 8th, 2009 10:45 pm

Hello! First post here; I'm absolutely loving! I'm still basically as newbie as they come, but I'm devouring the audio lessons as fast as I can!

I have two children, at 2 and 4, who are learning to speak and read, respectively. We're watching all these really basic kids shows that teach letters and phonetics... and I'm thinking, "I really need some stuff like this in Japanese!"

Are there any such shows available over here? Either at local Asian markets, or on Amazon, or elsewhere...?

New in Town
Posts: 3
Joined: November 9th, 2009 4:05 am

Postby zonjineko » November 9th, 2009 4:40 am

I've had the same issue trying to find things for my daughter.

We watch a lot of Hayao Miyazaki's DVDs but keep the sub-titles off and just watch and listen in pure Japanese. They probably won't understand a word of it but my 4yo picks up certain words the more she watches - especially on Ponyo.

Above is a list of his DVD's on Amazon. Spirited Away might be a bit scary for a 2yo.

Check out also.

This is a great kids book for Hiragana

Good luck

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