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Wordpower Lite for Google Android phone available!!

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Wordpower Lite for Google Android phone available!!

Postby lstepniewski » July 27th, 2009 7:55 am

This morning, I looked at the new applications available on the Android market. I just noticed a new app from a company named "Innovative Language Learning" :D

It's Wordpower Lite (free version, with one word a day). I never used an iPhone, but it looks exactly like the screenshots I saw on JP's website, with all its features.

It works really fine, except the sound that is a little too low (even at maximum).

Thanks !!

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Joined: March 6th, 2008 12:59 pm

The fully functional WorpdPower is now available!

Postby lstepniewski » August 7th, 2009 7:27 am

The fully functional version is now available! Hey, how come nobody talks about it, not even JapanesePod101?

This morning, on the Android market, it is priced at $4.99 (special introductory price, 50% off).

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