if you use Open Office, you might be interested in this plugin.
i haven't tried it myself yet, but i did DL it today, hope to give it a shot over the weekend.
i copied this from their site:
OpenCards is a flashcard learning extension for OpenOffice Impress. The basic idea of OpenCards is to use slide-titles as flashcard fronts and the slide contents as their backs. Based on state-of-the-art memorization and scheduling algorithms OpenCards will help you to learn any set of flashcards.
OpenCards allows to use all your existing Impress-presentations as flashcard-sets without any conversion. To learn more without creating cards on your own, flashcard-sets shared by other users can be downloaded from the OpenCards-flashcards-repository at http://wiki.opencards.info/ . There you're welcome to share your own flashcards with the lastingly growing OpenCards-community.