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Create wordlists from text?

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Create wordlists from text?

Postby phalos » December 4th, 2007 12:33 am

Good day.

Would anyone know of a site or tool, that would annotate a text with vocabulary?

I've tried 'Jgloss', and Jim Breen's site, but to no avail.

Would anyone know of an alternative?

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Postby Shaydwyrm » December 5th, 2007 1:57 pm

What exactly do you mean by "to no avail"? You couldn't get the sites to work? I've never used Jgloss, but Jim Breen's site does exactly what you're asking for (although the formatting could use a little work).

Another possibility is to use PopJisyo on a website, then double-click the words you don't know. It will compile all the words you double-click on into a study list, which you can export.

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Postby phalos » December 5th, 2007 2:42 pm

My goal:
1. Find a site or service that will parse a text.
2. Get a vocab list (from the text) into a delimited form, such as an Excel sheet.
3. Then, convert the vocab list into audio form.

I'll try to write more on it soon.

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