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AWESOME Rikai-chan mod (English glosses and dictionary)

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If you use it what will you use it for

To update the dictionary with English
To update the dictionary without English
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To create your own updates with English
No votes
To create your own updates without English
Total votes: 3

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AWESOME Rikai-chan mod (English glosses and dictionary)

Postby jkeyz15 » July 20th, 2007 6:02 pm

-Tired of Rikai-chan's once or twice a year dictionary updates, despite the fact that EDICT updates almost daily? Or do you prefer another dictionary?
- Are you annoyed by the English definitions on Rikaichan, or does it sometimes feel like you're 'cheating' or being lazy by having a quick summary in English,?

Well just I came across a recent post at Tae Kim Guide to Japanese forums where the OP created this and offered some instructions on how to get it working.
Here is the original post.

To use his already created dictionary updates (with or without english) follow the first set of instructions. To upload and create your own follow the other set.

Koryo wrote:-rikaichan-words.jar with English glosses removed (EDict dated 2007-07-17)
-rikaichan-words.jar with English glosses (EDict dated 2007-07-17)
-dicttool.jar for creating the above or updating your own dictionaries yourself

1. Replace your existing rikaichan-words.jar file from under your Firefox settings directory with the one you download from here. If you're not sure where this is, just search the files on your computer for one called rikaichan-words.jar. On mine its full path was ~/.mozilla/firefox/a53yayd2.Default User/extensions/{6D898772-AD34-4c16-86BB-9DE787A5DEA0}/chrome/rikaichan-words.jar; on yours it will probably be somewhere else.
2. Restart Firefox.
3. Enjoy furigana without glosses, or an updated dictionary! ^_^

Do-it-yourself instructions:
1. Download your favourite EDict format dictionary.
2. Convert it to UTF-8 encoding and UNIX LFs (i.e., not DOS CRLFs). [iconv is available for win32 as well; thanks, pazu!]

Code: Select All

    UN*X e.g., wrote:

    $ iconv -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8 < edict > edict.utf-8

3. Run dicttool on the file to generate the index file and optionally strip the glosses.

Code: Select All

    $ java -jar dicttool-0.1.jar edict.utf-8 dict.dat dict.idx [strips glosses]
    $ java -jar dicttool-0.1.jar edict.utf-8 dict.idx [leaves glosses]

4. Replace the dict.* files from your existing rikaichan-words.jar archive.

Code: Select All

    $ jar xvf rikaichan-words.jar
    $ cp <path to new ones>/dict.dat <path to new ones>/dict.idx content/
    $ jar cvf rikaichan-words.jar content

5. Restart Firefox.
6. Enjoy updated furigana without glosses! ^_^
* I don't use Windows; I don't know how to do this in Windows, but it should be simple enough. :P

NB It works on my Firefox installation, but I'm not sure in general. Please let me know if it doesn't work on yours.

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Postby untmdsprt » July 21st, 2007 2:19 am

Oooo, a person who used "NB" Can you explain this? I've seen this in a British English book, and have no clue of what it stands for.

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Postby jkeyz15 » July 21st, 2007 7:39 am

nope....I don't think it's of much importance though... :D

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Postby Bueller_007 » July 21st, 2007 10:04 am

Edict's daily updates are usually extremely minor. They only include amendments to existing entries, not new entries. The (roughly) scheduled monthly updates are what counts, where you'll sometimes get thousands of new entries.

I don't use rikai-chan, so I don't know, but if they're not scheduling their database updates to sync with Edict's major monthlies, someone should smack some sense into them.

NB = "nota bene", which means "note well" (i.e., pay close attention) in Latin. It's not in any way a British English thing.

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Postby untmdsprt » July 21st, 2007 12:06 pm

Bueller_007 wrote:Edict's daily updates are usually extremely minor. They only include amendments to existing entries, not new entries. The (roughly) scheduled monthly updates are what counts, where you'll sometimes get thousands of new entries.

I don't use rikai-chan, so I don't know, but if they're not scheduling their database updates to sync with Edict's major monthlies, someone should smack some sense into them.

NB = "nota bene", which means "note well" (i.e., pay close attention) in Latin. It's not in any way a British English thing.

It's certainly not an American thing, but thanks for the answer.

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Postby Bueller_007 » July 21st, 2007 3:32 pm

No, it's universal English, I think.

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Postby jkeyz15 » July 21st, 2007 11:04 pm

for me personally, I don't care tooy much about the updates. Mostly just getting rid of the English.

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Re: AWESOME Rikai-chan mod (English glosses and dictionary)

Postby Ulver_684 » November 28th, 2007 5:36 am

jkeyz15 wrote:-Tired of Rikai-chan's once or twice a year dictionary updates, despite the fact that EDICT updates almost daily? Or do you prefer another dictionary?
- Are you annoyed by the English definitions on Rikaichan, or does it sometimes feel like you're 'cheating' or being lazy by having a quick summary in English,?

Well just I came across a recent post at Tae Kim Guide to Japanese forums where the OP created this and offered some instructions on how to get it working.
Here is the original post.

To use his already created dictionary updates (with or without english) follow the first set of instructions. To upload and create your own follow the other set.

Koryo wrote:-rikaichan-words.jar with English glosses removed (EDict dated 2007-07-17)
-rikaichan-words.jar with English glosses (EDict dated 2007-07-17)
-dicttool.jar for creating the above or updating your own dictionaries yourself

1. Replace your existing rikaichan-words.jar file from under your Firefox settings directory with the one you download from here. If you're not sure where this is, just search the files on your computer for one called rikaichan-words.jar. On mine its full path was ~/.mozilla/firefox/a53yayd2.Default User/extensions/{6D898772-AD34-4c16-86BB-9DE787A5DEA0}/chrome/rikaichan-words.jar; on yours it will probably be somewhere else.
2. Restart Firefox.
3. Enjoy furigana without glosses, or an updated dictionary! ^_^

Do-it-yourself instructions:
1. Download your favourite EDict format dictionary.
2. Convert it to UTF-8 encoding and UNIX LFs (i.e., not DOS CRLFs). [iconv is available for win32 as well; thanks, pazu!]

Code: Select All

    UN*X e.g., wrote:

    $ iconv -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8 < edict > edict.utf-8

3. Run dicttool on the file to generate the index file and optionally strip the glosses.

Code: Select All

    $ java -jar dicttool-0.1.jar edict.utf-8 dict.dat dict.idx [strips glosses]
    $ java -jar dicttool-0.1.jar edict.utf-8 dict.idx [leaves glosses]

4. Replace the dict.* files from your existing rikaichan-words.jar archive.

Code: Select All

    $ jar xvf rikaichan-words.jar
    $ cp <path to new ones>/dict.dat <path to new ones>/dict.idx content/
    $ jar cvf rikaichan-words.jar content

5. Restart Firefox.
6. Enjoy updated furigana without glosses! ^_^
* I don't use Windows; I don't know how to do this in Windows, but it should be simple enough. :P

NB It works on my Firefox installation, but I'm not sure in general. Please let me know if it doesn't work on yours.

Jkeyz15-san! :wink:

Thank you for those great links and topic! :lol:

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