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good online game for total beginners (like me)

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good online game for total beginners (like me)

Postby WalterWills » May 28th, 2007 1:08 am

Quite fun.
I'm a complete beginner with Japanese, and even more so with kana. It seems to me that once you can write Japanese words in romaji then writing in hiragana is simply a matter of memorising the symbols and their corresponding sounds (at least I hope so).

The words they have on the game is quite limited, but another way I play is to decipher the hiragana I see on this website.

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Postby Lostaholic » September 20th, 2007 9:24 am

This is a realy helpfull game indeed^^

I only now a few of the symbols but with a katakana character list next to it it learns pretty fast


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