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Verbal Logic Quiz, July 20


The Fear Factor

Match the words in the numbered list with the lettered possibilities. Some of the words mean the same thing, so there are only five lettered options. Use two of them twice.

1. 気後れ (kiokure) spirit + to lag behind
2. 場後れ (baokure) location + to lag behind
3. 心後れ (kokoro-okure) heart + to lag behind
4. 後顧 (kōko) after + to look back
5. 後ずさる (atozusaru) after
6. 後込み (shirigomi) after + included
7. 後顧の憂い (kōko no urei) later + to look back + to grieve

     a. Looking back, worry, anxiety
     b. Anxiety about those left behind after one is gone, anxiety about
         the future
     c. To draw back, to step back, to shrink away
     d. Timidity
     e. Stage fright

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