逆効果 (gyakukōka: backfiring; opposite effect) opposite + effect + effect
Kare no hatsugen wa gyakukōka ni natta.
His remarks had the opposite effect.彼 (kare: he)
発言 (hatsugen: utterance, speech) to issue + wordsそんなことをしたら逆効果になる。
Sonna koto o shitara gyakukōka ni naru.
If you do that, it will only bring about a contrary effect.
Endaka wa Nihon no yushutsu sangyō ni gyakukōka ni natte iru.
The strong yen is acting against Japan’s export industry.円高 (endaka: high-valued yen) yen + high
日本 (Nihon: Japan) Japan + origin
輸出 (yushutsu: export) to transfer + to send out
産業 (sangyō: industry) to produce + industry