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Sample Sentences with 意識的 

意識的 (ishikiteki: conscious, deliberate)
     consciousness (1st 2 chars.) + adjectival suffix

1. 彼が不作法なのは意識的であって、偶発的ではなかった。
Kare ga busahōna no wa ishikiteki de atte, gūhatsuteki dewa nakatta.
His rudeness was conscious, not accidental.

(kare: he)
不作法 (busahō: bad manners; discourtesy)
     not + manners (last 2 chars.)

The last two characters break down as behavior + principle. I didn’t realize could mean behavior, but that’s what Halpern says.

偶発的 (gūhatsuteki: accidental)
     accidentally + to emit + adjectival suffix

2. 意識的努力によって将来はいい夫に。
Ishikiteki doryoku ni yotte shōrai wa ii otto ni.
He’ll make a good husband in the future if he tries hard.

努力 (doryoku: great effort)
     to exert (oneself) + power
将来 (shōrai: future (usually near); prospects)
     to be about to happen + future
(otto: husband)

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