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Sample Sentences with 従順 and 不従順

従順 (jūjun: obedience, docility, submissiveness)     to obey + to obey
不従順 (fujūjun: disobedience)     not + to obey + to obey

You might wonder whether these refer to the (dis)obedience of a child, of a servant, or of citizens (e.g., civil disobedience). Here are some sample sentences:

Kodomo wa umaretsuki jūjunna no dewa nai no wa, umaretsuki reigitadashii no dewa nai no to onaji de aru.
Children aren’t naturally obedient any more than they’re naturally well mannered.

子供 (kodomo: children)     child + plural suffix
(u(maretsuki): by nature)
礼儀正 (reigitada(shii): polite (person))
     etiquette + ceremony + correct
(ona(ji): same)

Nihonjin josei ga jūjun de, itsumo otto ni shitagau to iu no wa uso desu.
The idea that Japanese women are submissive and always obedient to their husbands is a lie.

日本人 (Nihonjin: Japanese person)
     Japan + origin + person
女性 (josei: woman; female)     woman + quality
(otto: husband)
(uso: lie)

Karera ga damatte iru kara to itte jūjun da to kaishaku shite wa ikenai.
Don’t interpret their silence as obedience.

彼ら (karera: they)
(dama(ru): to be silent)
解釈 (kaishaku: explanation; interpretation)
     explanation + explanation

Subeteno mono wa, okane ni jūjunda.
All things are obedient to money.

全ての (subeteno: all)
お金 (okane: money)

Naze anata wa jōshi ni taishite fujūjunna no desu ka.
Why are you insubordinate to your boss?

上司 (jōshi: boss)     above + administrator
(tai(shite): for, in regard to)

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