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Sample Sentences with 地味

地味 (jimi: plain, sober, unpretentious)     earth + feeling

Kanojo wa jimina iro o konomu.
She favors quiet colors.

彼女 (kanojo: she)     he + woman
(iro: color)
(kono(mu): to like, prefer)

Bokuteki ni wa motto jimitte iu ka shibui fuku ga hoshiin desu kedo ne.
For my tastes, I’d prefer plainer, or rather, more tasteful clothing.

僕的 (bokuteki: personally)     I + adjectival suffix

As you probably know, (boku) is a man’s way of saying “I.” But what’s with , which generally makes a noun into an adjective? Turns out, saying 僕的 or 私的 (watashiteki) is a very new trend among people under age 30 or so. The expression roughly translates as “Personally,” or “As far as I’m concerned,” or “For me.” 

(i(u): to say)
(shibu(i): tasteful (clothing))

Here we go again with this kanji!

(fuku: clothes)
(ho(shii): to want)

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