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Sample Sentences with 騒ぎ立てる

騒ぎ立てる (sawagitateru: to make a big fuss)     to make a fuss + to stand

Watashi wa toritatete sawagitaterareru no wa suki de wa nai.
I don’t like to be made a fuss about.

Did you notice that appears twice in this sentence?! Also, inside sawagitaterareru lies the rhyme taterare. Next time you have too much to drink, try saying sawagitaterareru (or better yet, toritatete sawagitaterareru) and let me know how it goes! I can’t even say it when I’m sober!

(watashi: I)
取り立てる (toritateru: to collect, extort, appoint, promote)     to take + to stand
(su(ki): liking; fondness; love)

Sawagitatenai hito wa kiken da.
People who don’t make a fuss about anything are dangerous.

Ah! This sentence is so interesting in a culture that seems to value silence and not making waves.

(hito: person)
危険 (kiken: danger)     dangerous + danger

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