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Sample Sentences About Dew

Tsuyu wa taiyō ga noboru to jōhatsu shita.
The dew evaporated when the sun rose.

太陽 (taiyō: sun)     big around + sunshine
(nobo(ru): to ascend (as a natural process, e.g., the sun), rise)

Look! The sun () is inside , a kanji that describes the sun’s rising (and many other types of rising or ascending).

蒸発した (jōhatsu shita: vaporized)     to evaporate + to emit

The characters here form the noun jōhatsu, meaning “evaporation.”

Sōchō ni tsuyu ga oriru.
The dew falls in early morning.

早朝 (sōchō: early morning)     early + morning
(o(riru): to fall)

Shibafu ni tsuyu ga orite iru.
The dew has fallen on the lawn.

芝生 (shibafu: lawn)     lawn + to grow

The second kanji, , has scads of possible meanings, and it’s unclear which one applies here, so I took a guess.

(o(riru): to fall)

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