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Sample Sentence with 騒がせる

騒がせる (sawagaseru: to annoy, to cause trouble)

When corporate executives publicly apologize for a scandal, they tend to use vague language such as the following:

Konkai no fushōji de wa seken o osawagaseshite kokoro kara owabi itashimasu.
Regarding the present scandal, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for causing this public disturbance.

今回 (konkai: this time; lately)     this + time
不祥事 (fushōji: scandal, deplorable event)
     non- + auspicious + matter
世間 (seken: public, world, society)
     public + among
心から (kokoro kara: from the bottom of one’s heart)
お詫び (owabi: apology)
いたす (humble form of suru: to do)

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