This sentence is thought-provoking (although the more I think about it, the less logical it seems!).
Busshi wa, harukani ningen ijō ni, chikyū no hyōmen o idōshitsuzukete iru idaina ryokōsha nano da.
Goods are the great travelers over the Earth’s surface, far more than humans.物資 (busshi: goods) thing + materials
遥かに (harukani: far)
人間 (ningen: human) person + between
以上 (ijō: more than) toward + higher
地球 (chikyū: Earth) Earth + globe
表面 (hyōmen: surface) surface + surface
移動 (idō: migration, movement) to shift + to move
し続 (shitsuzu(keru): to continue doing)
偉大 (idai: great) great + big
旅行者 (ryokōsha: traveler)
to travel + to go + person