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More Fun in the Sky

I love the way Japanese words (especially old, obscure ones) can be highly specific. Here are some great examples:

初空 (hatsusora: sky on New Year’s morning)            beginning + sky

Lovely, isn’t it? This can also be pronounced hatsuzora.

東京上空 (Tōkyō jōkū: the skies of Tokyo)      Tokyo (1st 2 chars.) +
                                                                                    above + sky

Every vowel in Tōkyō jōkū is elongated!

制空権 (seikūken: mastery of the air)                 control + air + rights

This compound is a military term for being well positioned to bomb enemy territory. If you didn’t know that, you might think it had to do with a megalomaniac’s desire to control even the air we breathe!

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