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Hint 1: The Various Yomi of

Here’s the quiz again, this time with the yomi supplied.


What Does It Say?


Here are the yomi and meanings of . Each yomi appears at least once in the passage. As you analyze the sentences, you can use the okurigana trailing after each (or the absence of okurigana) to figure out which yomi is appropriate.

KAKU, obo(eru): to remember, bear in mind, learn, feel, experience
obo(ezu): involuntarily, unwittingly, in spite of oneself
obo(shii): looking like, apparently
sa(meru), sa(masu): to wake up
sato(ru): to realize

Regarding the last word, 覚る (satoru: to realize), this verb has a noun form, 覚り (satori: comprehension, understanding). But 覚り is not the primary way to write satori, “enlightenment.” That’s 悟り. The character (GO, sato(ru)) means “enlightenment; to perceive, discern, realize, understand.”

On the Heart in

Hint 2: The Yomi of All the Kanji

What the Passage Says and Means …

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